Honey-based repair and nourishing balm for dry skin
Provides more firmness and density for sagging skin contours. The light cream is suitable for regular, supportive figure care for the whole body. It provides long-lasting moisture and thus ensures beautiful, well-cared for body skin.
Application plan
Initial treatment with Lipocure intensive cure for weeks.
Subsequently, long-term treatment of the problem areas with Liposyne.
In parallel for daily body care: Lipostretch skin-tightening moisturizer
Reviews (1)
Me ka ndihmuar me celulititn
1 of 1 people found the following review helpfulme ka hidratuar shume lekuren, zonen me te prekur nga celuliti ma ka terhequr lekure, po vijoj me perdoriimin deri tn jam e knaqur shpresoj te me reduktoje me shume celulititn.
in the same category
Reviews (1)
Me ka ndihmuar me celulititn
1 of 1 people found the following review helpfulme ka hidratuar shume lekuren, zonen me te prekur nga celuliti ma ka terhequr lekure, po vijoj me perdoriimin deri tn jam e knaqur shpresoj te me reduktoje me shume celulititn.