Complete blood

Hemogram a medical examination that informs us of the overall health situation;

- Sherben as a deperator for a wide range of semen.

- Helps diagnose various semen such as anemia; infections; inflammation; Bloodshed disorders; cancer.

- Monitors medicamentous treatment after diagnosing semen.

- Monitors medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy that affect bone marrow in cell production.

Hemograms value the three types of blood circulatory cells:

Red Series

Erythrocytes (red blood cells). They have the disk shape of the dyluge. The shape of biconcies provides erythrocytes with a surface about 20-30% larger than the spherical shape. They were first discovered in the frog's blood from Malpigi while in human blood from Levenhuku in 1673. Erythrocytes develop in the bone marrow and are small bands that give blood color. They have a diameter of 6-8 μm, thickness on sides 2.5 μm and thickness in the center 1μm. The surface of an erythrocyte is 140 μm2 and the veil 90μm3. The overall surface area of erythrocytes in a normal adult with a blood amount of approximately 6 litres is about 2,000 times larger than the surface of his body.

In peripheral men's blood there are 4.5-5.5 million erythrocytes per mm3, while in women 4–4.5 million per mm3. In the first week of the birth, their number is 6-7 million per mm3. After age 60, as a result of blood concentration, the number of erythrocytes increases to 6 million, but these erythrocytes are poorer with hemoglobin.

There are also changes in the physiological condition. During a physical straining, or in high conditions over 4,000 m above sea level, the number is added.

About 66% of erythrocytes are water and about 33% a protein called Hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin is a red pigment, transporter of oxygen and carbon dioxide. It's a globular protein with 4 polypeptide verses connected to a hem group. It plays an important role in maintaining the form of erythrocytes. In males there are about 16 g hemoglobin, while in women 14 g.

Hematocrite is the relative veil of erythrocytes in a sample of blood expressed in the percent. Normal values in males are 40-50% and in women 35-45%.

Erythrocyte constants determine indirect reports through the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and hematocrite levels.

–Average corpuscular veil (MCV) - an index that expresses the veil that a red cell has.

–Average corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)- measuring the average weight of hemoglobin in the red blood cell.

-Average concentration of corpuscular hemoglobin (MCHC)- measurement of average hemoglobin concentration in red blood cells.

–The extent of the division of erythrocyte values (RDW) – variation in the size of erythrocytes.

Leukocytes (white beads). They're the real blood cells, with round berths or segments and colorless cytoplasms. Leukocytes make ameboidal movements with pseudopods displaying their phagociative properties. The number of circulating leukocytes is normally 4,000 to 10,000 per mm3. At age, even at different times of the same day, small changes in their number are observed. The grass beads are classified into 5 groups:

-Neutrophils – superzoting leukocytes of peripheral blood, 55 – 65 %. They have a size of 9 – 12 μm and berthams with 2–5 lobes that connect with each other with thin kromatin threads. Mature neutrophils contain two types of granules in their cytoplasm: azurofile granules and specific granules. The classic function of these cells is the participation in inflammation, they phagocite and kill bacteria and different infectious microorganisms.

- Eosinophiles- round cells with a diameter of about 12 μm, which have 2 lobes that bind to a thin kromatin thread. Eosinophils contain specific granules with orange shades. These cells play a role in neutralizing reactions with allergic origins and have constructive action on the larvae of some intestinal parasites. They are usually present in the nasal secretions of individuals suffering from allergic rhinitis and in the sputum of semen with bronchial asthma.

- Basophiles - only 0-1% of the number of leukocytes in peripheral blood. They have a size of about 10μm and have berthama with shapes from different ones, which is covered with specific granules with purple color (basophilic). Their main function is that secretive and have weak activity.

-Lymphocytes- the smallest serum cells with a size of 6-9 μm (small lymphocytes) while the large lymphocytes 9-15μm, only 3% of circulating blood lymphocytes. These cells make up 20-40% of circulating leukocytes. Morphologically small lymphocytes are characterized by a small, round berth that usually makes 90% of the cell's veil. Lymphocytes are divided into 3 groups:

T-lymphocytes are called this because they mature in thymus.

B-lymphocytes are maturing in the Fabricius Bird Exchange, while sisores and people in particular mature in the bone marrow (Bone marrow).

Nul lymphocytes are called such because they have none of the membrane markers.

Lymphocytes make up the functional unit of the specific immunity protection unit.

Monocytes are the largest cells with a diameter of 12-15 μm and 5-8% of circulating blood leukocytes. They have large berths located in an eccentric position, in bean shapes. Their characteristics are pseudopods that reflected their ameboidale movement and phagocytical function. In the connecting tissue they are turned into fixed indore macrophage.

Platelets- are small platelets without berthams, formed by the membrane of megakariocytes (giant cells) of bone marrow. In the circulating blood live 10 days and have round or vezak disc shapes with a diameter of 2-4μm. their number fluctuates from 150,000-300,000. Their main function is to take part in the blood clotting process, when in cases of blood decay, their aglutination occurs by forming the platelet tape.

In hemograms, indirect parameters such as:

- The average volume of a thrombocitis –MPV which reflects the average volume of thromboread in a blood sample.

- The division in the platelet-PDW range which reflects how uniform platelets are in size.

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