Compared to Aptamil 1, it contains twice the amount of iron to meet the increasing needs of this age, more calcium; vitamins A, D.
Aptamil Comfort 2
Milk for the treatment of abdominal pain and constipation through food. Aptamil Comfort 2 is a complete formula for the treatment of abdominal colic.
Aptamil Comfort 2
Breast milk is an ideal food for healthy growth and development of babies and children. It protects against diarrhea and other diseases. Aptamil Comfort 2 has a low percentage of lactose and partially hydrolyzed protein. Contains a special blend of nutritional values.
Reviews (1)
Shume cilesor
0 of 0 people found the following review helpfulBebi im fle rehat qekur i kam nisur qumehstin e formules. bebi im ishte pak i bllokuar nga nje qumesht formule qe i pata perdorur me pare, i jepte dhimbje barku. Sa i kam filluar aptamilin bebei me eshte qetesuar nga dhimjet.
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Reviews (1)
Shume cilesor
0 of 0 people found the following review helpfulBebi im fle rehat qekur i kam nisur qumehstin e formules. bebi im ishte pak i bllokuar nga nje qumesht formule qe i pata perdorur me pare, i jepte dhimbje barku. Sa i kam filluar aptamilin bebei me eshte qetesuar nga dhimjet.