Alpha Fetoproteinduring pregnancy is synthesized by the cells of the yolk sac, then the liver of the fetus. It is excreted into the amniotic fluid with urine, absorbed into the mother's blood and leads to a rise in the serum level of pregnant women. It is known that in the presence of a neural tube defect in the fetus, anterior abdominal wall, anomalies of the development of the urinary system, a much larger amount of AFP enters the amniotic fluid, which leads to a sharp increase in the level of AFP in the serum of the mother. The level of increase is directly correlated with the degree of defect. This was the basis for the use of this marker in the biochemical prenatal screening to detect, first of all, the presence of neural tube defects (a rise of more than 2 Mo in the second trimester after 14 weeks, an optimal period of 16-18 weeks). When interpreting the elevated level of AFP, that the level of AFP can increase with oncological pathology of the liver of a pregnant woman - hepatocellular carcinoma, metastatic liver damage, etc. Therefore, with an increase in the level of this indicator and normal data of ultrasound of the fetus in regard to neural tube defects, it is necessary to examine pregnant women for liver pathology. In addition, antenatal fetal death also leads to an increase in AFP, therefore, in detecting an increase in AFP, it is necessary to guide pregnant women to perform ultrasound in the shortest possible time, especially when combined with low B-hCG and estriol. A decrease in the level of AFP is observed if the fetus has a chromosomal pathology (Down's syndrome). Therefore, with an increase in the level of this indicator and normal data of ultrasound of the fetus with regard to defects in the development of the neural tube, it is necessary to examine pregnant women for liver pathology. In addition, antenatal fetal death also leads to an increase in AFP, therefore, in detecting an increase in AFP, it is necessary to guide pregnant women to perform ultrasound in the shortest possible time, especially when combined with low B-hCG and estriol. A decrease in the level of AFP is observed if the fetus has a chromosomal pathology (Down's syndrome). Therefore, with an increase in the level of this indicator and normal data of ultrasound of the fetus with regard to defects in the development of the neural tube, it is necessary to examine pregnant women for liver pathology. In addition, antenatal fetal death also leads to an increase in AFP, therefore, in detecting an increase in AFP, it is necessary to guide pregnant women to perform ultrasound in the shortest possible time, especially when combined with low B-hCG and estriol. A decrease in the level of AFP is observed if the fetus has a chromosomal pathology (Down's syndrome). therefore, in detecting an increase in AFP, pregnant women should be referred for ultrasound in the shortest possible time, especially when combined with low B-hCG and estriol. A decrease in the level of AFP is observed if the fetus has a chromosomal pathology (Down's syndrome). therefore, in detecting an increase in AFP, pregnant women should be referred for ultrasound in the shortest possible time, especially when combined with low B-hCG and estriol. A decrease in the level of AFP is observed if the fetus has a chromosomal pathology (Down's syndrome).

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